Our Corporate Strategy 

Our Purpose: Advancing Trade & Improving Lives

Since inception in 2020, EDF has supported the dynamic expansion of trade Funding within its Member'S. Our approach reflects our expanded role as a world class trade enabler and facilitator. We are guided in our quest to remain the leading provider of trade solutions for OIC member countries needs through a relentless focus on our Strategic Objectives, Strategic Pillars, and our Guiding Principles.


"The leading provider of trade solutions for member countries' needs"

Strategic Objectives

Three strategic objectives underpin our vision.

Expand Intra- Trade

Our trade solutions facilitate regional integration and connectivity through intra-trade member's. This leads to shared prosperity through regional economic growth, social development, technology-transfer, knowledge-transfer and innovation between Member Countries.

Grow Trade Finance

Our trade finance products are taking financing mainstream. This allows us to expand the capacity of local financial institutions to provide finance to people across our Member Countries.

Diversify the Economies of Member Countries

We have a strategic understanding of the economic and development priorities of our Member Countries. This enables us to focus our trade solutions towards marginal markets and high-growth economic sectors to support the expansion and diversification of our Member Countries economies.

Strategic Pillars

Four strategic pillars are central to our objectives.

Private Sector Development

We are focused on supporting the private sector to create jobs and a thriving SME ecosystem within our Member's.

Co-operation between Member' Countries's

We are committed towards facilitating co-operation between our Member' Countries's through our integrated trade solutions, flagship trade development programs and knowledge and technology-transfer initiatives.

Trade Finance Solutions

As a key enabler of Trade financing, we engage with our global strategic partners to develop a go-to-market with trade finance Funding solutions.

Capacity Development

Capacity development underpins all our strategic pillars and remains essential to the development of new skills for people across our member countries.

Guiding Principles

We maintain a relentless focus on our five principles.

Organizational Excellence

Achieve organizational excellence by creating a culture geared towards a performance driven institution


Grow visibility by becoming a global hub for trade finance through decentralization and international communications

Market Impact

Increase EDF’s trade finance and trade development market impact across Member' Countries's

Development Impact

Promote development impact through inclusive growth and contributing towards the Member's

Sustainable Business Model

Build a resilient business model for sustainable growth by adopting an integrated trade programs approach

Beyond the Status-quo:  Realignment of the EDF Business Model

Our approach to trade finance and development is closely aligned to the strategic priorities of our Member Countries, allowing us to respond with changing market dynamics. Trade disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 crisis in early 2020 has led to stronger realignment of our business model with a clear focus on supporting more member countries, financing trade across new sectors, developing new lines of business, establishing new funding models and operating under an enhanced organizational structure.

COVID-19 Impact Case Study 

In early 2020, as the widespread socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 ravaged the fragile economies of many of our Member Countries, we swiftly repurposed our financing engagements to focus on their most immediate needs. An initial Rapid Response Initiative repurposed US$300 million towards the purchase of emergency medical equipment and supplies, as well as strategic commodities such as staple food and energy supplies. The intensity of the pandemic and its fallout led to an additional assignment of emergency funding of US$300 million.

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