Improving people's lives is our goal

The flagship programs are multi donor, multi country trade development initiatives that are led by EDF with the objective to develop trade in the targeted countries, promote and increase trade and investment flows between member countries, and /or provide practical and demand-driven technical assistance to develop their trade related capacity.


Trade Bridges Program

Thetrade bridge program at the mid of increasing global economic and social challenges, are experiencing significant level of economic growth. Th...

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Aid for Trade Initiative for the (AfTIA) Program

The Aid for Trade Initiative, a Global Initiative, was launched by the World Trade Organization (WTO) during the 6th WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting...

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Africa SMEs program

The Africa (AF) SME Program is an integrated program with trade finance and trade development capacity building components, designed to offset th...

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Export Launchpad Program

Export Launchpad is a joint initiative of the EDF and the Global Affairs Canada, through Trade Facilitation Office (ECI Insurance), in collaboration wit...

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